HomeGuiasDicasThe Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II - Todos os Achievements

The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II – Todos os Achievements

Além das conquistas normais que temos nas plataformas, em The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak II temos alguns achievements dentro do jogo, que nos recompensa com itens, segue a lista de todos esses achievements e suas recomensas.


Law Alignment Lv. 4Vitality Droplet x2
Law Alignment Lv. 5Vitality Droplet x4
Law Alignment Lv. MaxedQuartz: 蒼耀珠
Gray Alignment Lv. 4Fortitude Droplet x2
Gray Alignment Lv. 5Fortitude Droplet x4
Gray Alignment Lv. MaxQuartz: 琥耀珠
Chaos Alignment Lv. 4Power Droplet x2
Chaos Alignment Lv. 5Power Droplet x4
Chaos Alignment Lv. MaxQuartz: 紅耀珠
All Alignments MaxNoir Jewel


1 Bond MaxedSpirit Droplet x1
5 Bonds MaxedSpirit Droplet x2
10 Bonds MaxedSpirit Droplet x3
15 Bonds MaxedSpirit Droplet x4
All Bonds MaxedAccessory: Fortune Amulet
25 Enemies Logged (Excluding EX)Vitality Droplet x1
50 Enemies Logged (Excluding EX)Vitality Droplet x2
100 Enemies Logged (Excluding EX)Vitality Droplet x3
200 Enemies Logged (Excluding EX)Vitality Droplet x4
300 Enemies Logged (Excluding EX)Quartz: Goldia Gem
All Enemies Logged (Excluding EX)Quartz: Agnagarn
15 Dishes SampledU-Material+ x1
25 Dishes SampledU-Material+ x2
50 Dishes SampledU-Material+ x3
75 Dishes SampledU-Material+ x4
100 Dishes SampledU-Material+ x5
EX: All Dishes SampledAccessory: Golden Dish
3 Papers CollectedU-Material x2
6 Papers CollectedU-Material x4
All Papers CollectedU-Material x6
3 Movie Brochures AcquiredReviving Balm x2
6 Movie Brochures AcquiredCelestial Balm x2
All Movie Brochures AcquiredCelestial Balm EX x2


25 Chests PlunderedVitality Droplet x1
50 Chests PlunderedVitality Droplet x2
100 Chests PlunderedVitality Droplet x3
150 Chests PlunderedQuartz: Yatagarasu
EX: All Chests PlunderedQuartz: Quetzalcoatl
5 4SPG Cases ClosedSepith Mass x200
10 4SPG Cases ClosedSepith Mass x400
20 4SPG Cases ClosedSepith Mass x600
30 4SPG Cases ClosedQuartz: Bai Ze
All 4SPG Cases ClosedQuartz: Hyperion
10 Gifts GivenSepith Mass x200
20 Gifts GivenSepith Mass x400
30 Gifts GivenQuartz: Lindbaum
All Gifts GivenGrendel Skill Stone x5
3 Topics BroachedSepith Mass x100
6 Topics BroachedSepith Mass x150
9 Topics BroachedSepith Mass x200
12 Topics BroachedSepith Mass x250
15 Topics BroachedSepith Mass x300
1 Onyx Weapon ForgedU-Material+ x2
3 Onyx Weapon ForgedU-Material+ x6
EX: All Onyx Weapons ForgedAccessory: Seal of the Lion King
3 Movies WatchedU-Material+ x1
6 Movies WatchedU-Material+ x2
All Movies WatchedAccessory: Elegant Gown
EX: Sauna Visited (Prologue)Vitality Droplet x1
EX: Sauna Visited (Chapter 1 Side A)Vitality Droplet x1
EX: Sauna Visited (Chapter 1 Side B)Vitality Droplet x1
EX: Sauna Visited (Chapter 2 Side A)Vitality Droplet x1
EX: Sauna Visited (Chapter 2 Side B)Vitality Droplet x1
EX: Sauna Visited (Chapter 3)Vitality Droplet x1
EX: Sauna Visited (Finale)Vitality Droplet x1
EX: Hot Springs Visited (Intermission)Vitality Droplet x1
100,000 Mira EarnedSpirit Droplet x1
250,000 Mira EarnedSpirit Droplet x2
500,000 Mira EarnedPlugin: Crystal Eden
1,000,000 Mira EarnedGrendel Skill Stone x5
Collected 1,000 Shard Tokens with Shard SearchVitality Droplet x1
Collected 2,000 Shard Tokens with Shard SearchVitality Droplet x2
Collected 5,000 Shard Tokens with Shard SearchVitality Droplet x4
Collected 10,000 Shard Tokens with Shard SearchVitality Droplet x10
Analyze the Mystic Cube 10 timesGrendel Skill Stone x1
Analyze the Mystic Cube 50 timesGrendel Skill Stone x2
Analyze the Mystic Cube 100 timesGrendel Skill Stone x4
Analyze the Mystic Cube 300 timesGrendel Skill Stone x8
Discover a Portal with Shard SearchU-Material x1
Discover 5 Portal locations with Shard SearchU-Material x2
Discover 10 Portal locations with Shard SearchU-Material x4
Discover 15 Portal locations with Shard SearchU-Material x10
Discover All Portal locations with Shard SearchQuartz: Tamamo
Clear the same Marchen Garten Floor twiceU-Material x2
Clear the same Marchen Garten Floor thriceU-Material+ x2
3 Types of Fish CaughtU-Material x1
6 Types of Fish CaughtU-Material x2
10 Types of Fish CaughtU-Material x4
15 Types of Fish CaughtU-Material+ x1
20 Types of Fish CaughtU-Material+ x2
25 Types of Fish CaughtHolo Core: Alter Raym
All Types of Fish CaughtQuartz: Okeanos
Caught a Size Rank A FishSepith Mass x100
Caught 5 Types of Size Rank A FishSepith Mass x200
Caught 10 Types of Size Rank A FishSepith Mass x300
Caught 20 Types of Size Rank A FishSepith Mass x400
EX: Caught All Types of Size Rank A FishSepith Mass x1000
Customized Fishing Parts ObtainedTear Balm x2
3 Customized Fishing Parts ObtainedTeara Balm x2
6 Customized Fishing Parts ObtainedTearal Balm x2
EX: All Customized Fishing Parts ObtainedTear All Balm x2
3 Orbal Locked Chests PlunderedHolo Core: Gaap
6 Orbal Locked Chests PlunderedArts Driver: Phobos
9 Orbal Locked Chests PlunderedPlugin: Pluto’s Nova
EX: All Orbal Locked Chests PlunderedQuartz: Recluse
EX: Win Seventh HeartsSepith Mass x50
EX: Win Seventh Hearts 5 timesSepith Mass x200
EX: Win BasketballSepith Mass x50
EX: Win Basketball 3 timesSepith Mass x200
EX: Play Seventh Hearts with Friends in Marchen GartenSepith Mass x50
EX: Play Seventh Hearts with Friends in Marchen Garten and WonHolo Core: Alter Otis
EX: Won “1 on 1” in Activity SupportU-Material+ x1
EX: Won “1 on 1” in Activity Support 3 TimesCelestial Balm x1


10 Drivers GainedEP Charge IV x1
20 Drivers GainedEP Charge IV x2
30 Drivers GainedEP Charge IV x3
All Drivers GainedQuartz: Esmelas Gem
1 Holo Core MaxedU-Material+ x1
10 Holo Cores MaxedU-Material+ x2
20 Holo Cores MaxedQuartz: Volglyph
All Holo Cores MaxedGrendel Skill Stone x5
5 Plugins ProcuredMagic Droplet x1
15 Plugins ProcuredMagic Droplet x2
30 ProcuredMagic Droplet x4
All Plugins ProcuredQuartz: Argem Gem
Van’s Xipha UnlockedU-Material+ x2
Agnes’s Xipha UnlockedU-Material+ x2
Feri’s Xipha UnlockedU-Material+ x2
Aaron’s Xipha UnlockedU-Material+ x2
Risette’s Xipha UnlockedU-Material+ x2
Quatre’s Xipha UnlockedU-Material+ x2
Judith’s Xipha UnlockedU-Material+ x2
Elaine’s Xipha UnlockedU-Material+ x2
Kincaid’s Xipha UnlockedU-Material+ x2
Swin’s Xipha UnlockedU-Material+ x2
Nadia’s Xipha UnlockedU-Material+ x2
Celis’s Xipha UnlockedU-Material+ x2
Leon’s Xipha UnlockedU-Material+ x2
Renne’s Xipha UnlockedU-Material+ x2
Shizuna’s Xipha UnlockedU-Material+ x2
All Xiphas UnlockedQuartz: Ratatoskr


50 SCLM Chains ActivatedSepith Mass x50
100 SCLM Chains ActivatedSepith Mass x100
300 SCLM Chains ActivatedSepith Mass x200
600 SCLM Chains ActivatedSepith Mass x300
1000 SCLM Chains ActivatedQuartz: Heidrun
EX: 2000 SCLM Chains ActivatedGrendel Skill Stone x5
20 SCLM Supports ActivatedSepith Mass x50
50 SCLM Supports ActivatedSepith Mass x100
150 SCLM Supports ActivatedSepith Mass x200
300 SCLM Supports ActivatedSepith Mass x300
500 SCLM Supports ActivatedQuartz: Lorelei
EX: 1000 SCLM Supports ActivatedGrendel Skill Stone x5
50 S-Boost Moves MadeSepith Mass x50
100 S-Boost Moves MadeSepith Mass x100
150 S-Boost Moves MadeSepith Mass x200
250 S-Boost Moves MadeSepith Mass x300
500 S-Boost Moves MadeQuartz: Taurus
20 S-Crafts PoppedSepith Mass x50
50 S-Crafts PoppedSepith Mass x100
100 S-Crafts PoppedSepith Mass x200
150 S-Crafts PoppedSepith Mass x300
250 S-Crafts PoppedQuartz: Rusalka
10-Hit ChainSepith Mass x50
25-Hit ChainSepith Mass x100
50-Hit ChainSepith Mass x200
100-Hit ChainAccessory: Grail Locket
Double Tactical BonusSepith Mass x50
Triple Tactical BonusSepith Mass x100
Quadruple Tactical BonusQuartz: Carbuncle
EX: Pentuple Tactical BonusGrendel Skill Stone x5
20 Ambushes LandedSepith Mass x50
50 Ambushes LandedSepith Mass x100
100 Ambushes LandedSepith Mass x200
250 Ambushes LandedQuartz: Nohval Gem
EX: 500 Ambushes LandedGrendel Skill Stone x5
10,000 Damage DealtSepith Mass x50
20,000 Damage DealtSepith Mass x100
50,000 Damage DealtSepith Mass x200
EX: 100,000 Damage DealtPlugin: Regulus Caliber
EX: 150,000 Damage DealtSepith Mass x300
EX: 200,000 Damage DealtSepith Mass x400
EX: 300,000 Damage DealtSepith Mass x500
EX: 500,000 Damage DealtQuartz: Fafnir
100 Enemies SlainU-Material x2
250 Enemies SlainU-Material x4
500 Enemies SlainU-Material x8
1,000 Enemies SlainQuartz: Amalthea
EX: 2,000 Enemies SlainGrendel Skill Stone x5
EX: 5,000 Enemies SlainQuartz: Azazel
50 Enemies Felled on the FieldU-Material x2
1000 Enemies Felled on the FieldU-Material x4
300 Enemies Felled on the FieldPlugin: Thanatos Jail
EX: 600 Enemies Felled on the FieldQuartz: Hecatoncheires
Sextuple KillU-Material x2
Septuple KillU-Material x4
Octuple KillPlugin: Celestial
50 Shard Skills ActivatedU-Material x2
150 Shard Skills ActivatedU-Material x4
300 Shard Skills ActivatedU-Material x6
500 Shard Skills ActivatedU-Material x8
1,000 Shard Skills ActivatedU-Material x10
2,000 Shard Skills ActivatedPlugin: Tyrant Storm
EX: 4,000 Shard Skills ActivatedGrendel Skill Stone x5
EX: 20 Attacks Perfectly EvadedSepith Mass x200
EX: 50 Attacks Perfectly EvadedSepith Mass x400
EX: 100 Attacks Perfectly EvadedQuartz: Decoy
Used Dual ArtsMagic Droplet x1
Used All Dual ArtsMagic Panacea x1
10 EX-Chains ActivatedPower Droplet x1
50 EX-Chains ActivatedPower Droplet x2
100 EX-Chains ActivatedPower Droplet x4
200 EX-Chains ActivatedPlugin: Jabberwock Arm
Quick Arts used to attack enemies 50 timesMagic Droplet x1
Quick Arts used to attack enemies 100 timesMagic Droplet x2
Quick Arts used to attack enemies 300 timesMagic Droplet x4
Quick Arts used to attack enemies 500 timesPlugin: Zodiac Sign
Activated Quick Arts of All 7 ElementsSpirit Panacea x1
Cross Charge Activated 5 timesFortitude Droplet x1
Cross Charge Activated 20 timesFortitude Droplet x2
Cross Charge Activated 50 timesFortitude Droplet x4
Cross Charge Activated 100 timesPlugin: Ark of El Dorado
Defeated All Types of Monsters on Floor 1 of Marchen GartenQuartz: Firestorm
Defeated All Types of Monsters on Floor 2 of Marchen GartenArts Driver: Abyss
Defeated All Types of Monsters on Floor 3 of Marchen GartenQuartz: Scent
Defeated All Types of Monsters on Floor 4 of Marchen GartenPlugin: Ivy Frost
Defeated All Types of Monsters on Floor 5 of Marchen GartenQuartz: Serendipitiy
Defeated All Types of Monsters on Floor 6 of Marchen GartenPlugin: Nebulous Cannon
Defeated All Types of Monsters on Floor 7 of Marchen GartenQuartz: Indomitability
Defeated All Types of Monsters on Floor 8 of Marchen GartenArts Driver: Innocence
Defeated All Types of Monsters on Floor 9 of Marchen GartenQuartz: Oracle
EX: Defeated All Types of Monsters on Floor 10 of Marchen GartenU-Material+ x2
EX: Defeated All Types of Monsters on Floor 11 of Marchen GartenU-Material+ x4
EX: Defeated All Types of Monsters on Floor 12 of Marchen GartenU-Material+ x6
EX: Defeated All Types of Monsters on Floor 13 of Marchen GartenU-Material+ x8
EX: Defeated All Types of Monsters on Floor 14 of Marchen GartenU-Material+ x10
EX: Defeated All Types of Monsters on Floor 15 of Marchen GartenOnyx Steel x2
EX: Defeated All Types of Monsters on Floor 16 of Marchen GartenOnyx Steel x5
EX: Van took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorVan’s Skill Stone x15
EX: Agnes took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorAgnes’s Skill Stone x15
EX: Feri took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorFeri’s Skill Stone x15
EX: Aaron took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorAaron’s Skill Stone x15
EX: Risette took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorRisette’s Skill Stone x15
EX: Quatre took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorQuatre’s Skill Stone x15
EX: Judith took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorJudith’s Skill Stone x15
EX: Elaine took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorElaine’s Skill Stone x15
EX: Kincaid took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorKincaid’s Skill Stone x15
EX: Swin took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorSwin’s Skill Stone x15
EX: Nadia took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorNadia’s Skill Stone x15
EX: Celis took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorCelis’s Skill Stonex15
EX: Leon took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorLeon’s Skill Stone x15
EX: Renne took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorRenne’s Skill Stone x15
EX: Shizuna took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorShizuna’s Skill Stone x15
EX: Fie took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorFie’s Skill Stone x15
EX: Zin took the MVP on a Marchen Garten FloorZin’s Skill Stone x15

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